**Access to federal funds for families in Arkansas with the Child Tax Credit**
Families with no income or low income could get at least $3,000 per child with the Child Tax Credit, plus $1400 with the third stimulus payment - even if they have never filed taxes before (and if they have not yet already filed taxes this year).
There is now an easy form for people to file on their mobile devices in 15 minutes or less in English or Spanish. People have until November 15 to sign up this year at GetCTC.org/arschools.
Wednesday is our homecoming parade! Dress in layers and come celebrate! Parade begins at 5:30 at Redeemer Lutheran Church and ends at Guy Berry College & Career Academy.
HUGE thanks to everyone who makes this parade possible!
We appreciate Frank Vacco of Vacco Insurance coming recently to speak to Mrs. Holmes Foundations of Healthcare students.
Congratulations to this year's Homecoming Court!
Flu clinic schedule:
Oct 7 - Hackler Intermediate School 8:30 am
Oct 10 - MHHS 8:30 am MHJH 12:45 pm
Oct 11 - Kindergarten 12:45 pm
Oct 12 - Pinkston MIddle School 8:30 am GBCCA - 12:45 pm
Oct 13 - Nelson-Wilks-Herron Elementary - 8:30 am
Flu packets will be sent home prior to the scheduled clinics. No student will receive the flu vaccine without signed consent.
We have another Grandparents Raising Grandchildren educational event coming up on October 6! Please join us at the Mruk Center!
Students who are enrolled in the PASSE program through Medicaid may qualify for additional personal care services.
Have a wonderful holiday weekend! No school Monday!
Go Bombers! Beat Harrison!
It is time start preparing for our Special Olympics program here at MHPS! Our district plans to participate in Area II bowling, basketball and track events. As soon as dates and times are available, more information will be provided. In order for a student to participate, they must meet some very specific guidelines. Additionally, they must have a physical. Physical forms will be sent home soon with students. Please direct any questions to Gwen Benton, Special Education Director. 870-425-1247 or gbenton@mhbombers.com
Tomorrow is the BIG day! We're ready for a wonderful year! #GoBombers
Congratulations to Coach Phillip Taylor for being this year's recipient of the Butler Furniture $3,500 Teacher Recognition Shopping Spree! What a fantastic gift that the Butlers give each year! Thank you so much for this kindness!
Open House is TODAY! 1-7 p.m.
Hello Bombers,
I want to remind you all that early voting on the high school renovation issue begins tomorrow, Tuesday, August 2 and goes through August 8 from 8-4:30 p.m. at the Baxter County Election Commission Headquarters on Fifth Street or at the Baxter County Courthouse.
Election day is Tuesday, August 9 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and registered voters who live within district bounds can vote at the following locations:
Baxter County Courthouse
Baxter County Election Commission Headquarters
Baxter County Training Center in Midway
Eastside Baptist Church
Henderson Fire Station
Lakeview Civic Center
Northeast Lakeside Fire Station
I will be hosting tours of the high school facilities again this Thursday from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m. (or until the last tour is complete). This is also a time to come and ask questions or provide feedback.
Thank you and have a wonderful evening,
Dr. Jake Long, Superintendent
Dr. Long announced this earlier this summer, but this is just a reminder for our families! School Supplies are provided AGAIN this year at MHPS (with the exception of backpacks and lunchboxes)! Go Bombers!
We have some awesome teachers from Pinkston and MHJH at Summit training in New Orleans. So proud of Ms. Minard, Ms. Free, Ms. Perryman, Ms. Kreager, Ms. Fairchild, and Ms. Miller for their hard work this week! They're heading home with great ideas!
Students from Pinkston Middle School and Mountain Home Junior High attended Dixie Band Camp at UCA this week with more than 900 other students from across the country.
Seamless Summer Food Service Program begins June 6!
Two National Junior Honor Society students at MHJH received national recognition as NJHS Outstanding Students this year. Hannah Baker and Zane Darracq received this award based on the five pillars of NJHS, leadership, scholarship, character, service and citizenship. The students receive a $500 scholarship with this recognition.
Today is School Nurse Appreciation Day! We love and appreciate these wonderful ladies every day!
Medicaid renewal letters will be mailed out soon. Make sure not to ignore yours ... even if there are no changes!