MHJH Weekly Newsletter


>Congratulations to the following JH FFA members who were each awarded $500 scholarships from ASU Jonesboro for winning their Eastern District Leadership Contests
Kendrick Sanders
Max Goodwin
Harrison Baker
Brylee Blasdel
McKenna Miller
Wave Simmons
Calder Chamberlin
Aiden Kerr 

>The National Junior Honor Society will be accepting applications for current 8th graders starting December 16th.  This is a three step application process. 
The student must first ask for the application. 
1. The student must complete the application by the due date,  January 10th. No late applications will be accepted.
2. The application is scored by a panel of teachers to determine eligibility.
If you are a 8th grade student that is interested in NJHS, please email Mrs. Adamson at
Current members do not need to reapply.

Drivers Test InfoBomber Sports

Bomber SportsBomber Sports

Community Service

➤NEED COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS FOR GRADUATION?  Here is a great opportunity.  See Mrs. Stroud if you need an adult to go with you.

➤The College Access Initiative team at the University of Arkansas offers 2025 ACT Academy and Jump Start applications!  With ACT Academy, they provide more information about college admissions, academics, and campus life. Students will work on developing their ACT test-taking skills as well as learn about the many exciting opportunities at the University of Arkansas while staying in a residence hall and experiencing campus life. Who: Current 9th-11th graders (rising 10th-12th graders)
 Sessions: Session 1: June 10-14, 2025  Session 2: June 22-25, 2025 
 Follow the link for more information and to apply to ACT Academy until April 1, 2025:

Canvas Help
