Clarification on Game Nights

Junior High Games

  1. All student’s 9th grade and below must have a parent/guardian with them at the game and students will sit with their parent/guardians at the game, for the entire game.

  1. There is NO STUDENT SECTION at JH games so no players pass will be honored for 9th grade and below to use unless a parent/guardian is with that student, stays for the entire game, and those students will sit with the parent/guardian.

  1. If a student is at the game without their parent/guardian, they will be asked to call a parent/guardian to be picked up and will leave the stadium.

  1. ALL GRASSY AREAS are off limits.  There are to be no sports equipment such as footballs, soccer balls, tennis balls, etc. brought to the game.

High School Varsity Games

  1. ALL 9th grade students and below must have a parent/guardian with them for the entire game and will be seated with their parent/guardian.  

  1. ALL 9th grade students and below are not to buy their own ticket and enter the stadium unless a parent/guardian is with them for the entire game.

  1. ALL GRASSY AREAS are off limits, and no sports equipment will be brought into the stadium such as footballs, soccer balls, tennis balls, etc.

  1. Students with a Players Pass need to talk to their coach about entry into the game.

High School and Junior High game nights:  All school rules apply.